申德超, 孟阳, 周欣, 张俐, 王晓凯, 王丽玮. 膨化带胚玉米作啤酒辅料的试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 1999, 15(2): 202-207.
    引用本文: 申德超, 孟阳, 周欣, 张俐, 王晓凯, 王丽玮. 膨化带胚玉米作啤酒辅料的试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 1999, 15(2): 202-207.
    Shen Dechao, Meng Yang, Zhou Xin, Zhang Li, Wang Xiaokai, Wang Liwei. Test Study on Extrusion Maize With Germ as Beer Adjunct[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1999, 15(2): 202-207.
    Citation: Shen Dechao, Meng Yang, Zhou Xin, Zhang Li, Wang Xiaokai, Wang Liwei. Test Study on Extrusion Maize With Germ as Beer Adjunct[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1999, 15(2): 202-207.


    Test Study on Extrusion Maize With Germ as Beer Adjunct

    • 摘要: 通过试验,研究了带胚玉米挤压膨化系统的诸参数(物料含水率,螺杆转速,套筒温度,模孔孔径)对各考查指标(糊化度、浸出率、脂肪、总还原糖、总酸)的影响规律,及其系统最优参数。结果表明,只要膨化系统诸参数选择合适,不加酶制剂,带胚玉米膨化物对应的麦汁醪液的糖化和过滤也可以顺利进行。


      Abstract: The influence of paramerters (diameter of die nozzle ,temperature of barrel,speed of screw,material moisture)of extrusion of maize with germ on the observed indexes (dextrinisation degree,extract content,fat,fermentable saccharide,total acid)and the optimum parameters of this extrusion system were studied. Experimental results indicate that if parameters of this extrusion system are quantified reasonably,the saccharification and filteration of wort which includes walt and extruded maize with germ as adjunct may go on successfully without adding any enzyme.


