
    The Influence of Corn-Bean Meal Type Ration Added With Different Enzyme Preparations on Fatting Effects of Egg-Type Cockerels

    • 摘要: 在以玉米、豆粕为主的日粮中分别添加华芬酶、八宝威和溢多利,以不加酶作对照,探讨不同酶制剂对育肥蛋公雏饲养效果的影响。试验采用随机设计法,饲养期70d。结果表明,华芬酶组的日增重极显著高于对照(CK)组(P<0.01);八宝威组显著高于CK组(P<0.05);溢多利组与CK组差异不显著(P>0.05)。华芬酶组、八宝威组、溢多利组和CK组的饲料报酬分别为2.57∶1、2.65∶1、2.71∶1和2.75∶1,前三组分别比CK组提高6.55%、3.64%和1.45%。经济效益以华芬酶组最好,其次为八宝威,溢多利较差,三个组的经济效益分别比CK组提高了11.30%、7.20%和2.26%。因此,在育肥蛋公雏玉米-豆粕型日粮中添加酶制剂,应首推华芬酶。


      Abstract: The influences of different enzyme preparations on the fatting effects of eggtype cockerels were studied with rations, mainly composed of corn and bean meal, added with Huafen Feed Enzymes, Kemzyme and Yiduoli respectively, and no enzyme preparation was used in contrast test(CK). Random designing method was used in the test and raising period covered 70 days. The results show that the daily gain of Huafen Feed Enzymes group is very obviously higher than that of CK group (P<0.01) and Kemzyme group is also significantly higher than that of CK group (P<0.05), while there is no notable difference between Yiduoli group and CK group (P>0.05). The feed conversion ratios for each group are 2.57:1 in Huafen feed Enzymes group, 2.65:1 in Kemzyme group, 2.71:1 in Yiduoli and 2.75:1 in CK group, and the former three groups were 6.55 %, 3.64 % and 1.45 % higher respectively than CK group. The benefit of Huafen Feed Enzymes group, and Kemzyme group is better than that of Yiduoli group. Each group by 11.30 %,7.20 % and 2.26 % respectively over CK group. So, to select enzyme preparations for cornbean meal type ration of fatting eggtype cockerels, Huafen Feed Enzymes should be the first choice and Kemzyme will be the second, while Yiduoli will not be recommended.


