
    Diagnosis of Drought From Maize Physiological Electrical Characteristics

    • 摘要: 诊断植物是否干旱缺水有多种方法,该文研究了植物生理电特性指标,并以玉米为例,用套针式电阻传感器测玉米茎秆生理电阻,用介电常数变化型平行平板电容传感器测玉米叶片生理电容,都能实时准确反映植株水分状况,其配套的植物需水信息仪可用于抗旱亏水诊断及自动节水灌溉。


      Abstract: There are many kinds of methods to diagnose water demand of crops. This paper studied the crops' physiological electrical indexes. Take maize for example, a sleeve needle type point resistance sensor was used to measure the maize stalk's physiological resistance, and a variable dielectric constant type paraller plate capacitance sensor was employed to measure the maize leave's physiological capacitance. Both of them can immediately and precisely reflect the crop's water condition. The coupled crop water demand information instrument can be applied to diagnose the water shortage and to give hand to automatic water saving irrigation in the course of draught fighting.


