
    Evaluation Methods of Sprinkler Water Nonuniformity

    • 摘要: 利用多喷头组合喷洒试验研究了分布均匀系数DU与喷灌均匀系数CU之间的关系。试验表明,DU随CU的增大而线性增加,当CU等于规范规定值75%时,DU值约为66%。通过田间试验探讨了喷灌均匀系数对水量在土壤中分布均匀程度的影响。发现喷灌水量在土壤中的分布比其在地表的分布均匀得多,这一结果为合理降低喷灌均匀系数设计值提供了一个新的研究空间。该文还对作物冠层对喷灌水量分布的影响进行了田间试验,结果指出,冠层截留可以使喷灌水量分布的均匀性得到一定程度的改善。


      Abstract: Overlapped sprinkler water distributions were tested to determine the relationship between Distribution Uniformity (DU) and Christiansen Uniformity Coefficient ( CU ). The results demonstrated that DU increases linearly with an increase of CU. The value of DU approximates 66% when CU equals the required value of 75% by the standard. Field experiments were conducted to observe the spatial distributions of soil water content under sprinkler irrigation. We found that the water was more uniformly distributed in the soil than that measured on the ground surface. The influences of corn canopy on sprinkler water application pattern were also studied by field experiments. Sprinkler water pattern may be modified by crop canopy and the water uniformity below canopy is usually greater than that above canopy.


