
    Agricultural Structure Readjustment and Agricultural Engineering Technology

    • 摘要: 在分析我国农业大好形势的基础上,对农业结构的调整,提出要适应“五化”要求,即需求的多样化、消费的优质化、贸易的一体化、农业的高效化、农业的多功能化;在调整中要注意五性,即适应性、战略性、长期性、艰巨性和动态性;用农业工程支撑五调,即结构要调优、链条要调长、技术要调新、效益要调高和基础要调强。


      Abstract: The article analyzed the great achievements made in China's agriculture and put forward five requirements for agricultural structure readjustment, namely diversified demand of agro products, quality consumption of agro products, integrated trade, high efficiency agriculture and multi functions of agriculture. Attention should be payed to the adaptability, strategic, long term, arduous and dynamic nature of this restructuring process. Agricultural engineering should play a pivotal role in optimizing structure, extending production links, innovating technology, enhancing efficiency and firming up foundation.


