
    Important Research Fields of High Technologies Applied to Water Saving Agriculture in the 21st Century

    • 摘要: 近年来,在先进国家高新技术开始被较为广泛地应用于节水农业,并获得了成功。进入21世纪,我国农业将面临着水资源日益短缺,同时又必须担负起保障16亿人口食物安全的重任。该文总结了国内外高新技术在节水农业中的应用与发展现状,提出了我国在21世纪应重点研究的领域、关键技术和重点解决的问题,预测了产业化发展前景。


      Abstract: The high technologies, such as biological technology, information technology, as well as GIS, GPS and RS, are being successfully applied in water saving agriculture in industrialized countries. In the 21th century, agriculture in China must produce enough grain to feed its big population of 1.6 billion under a condition of quite limited amounts of water resources. Only applying more high technologies in agriculture can make the Chinese agriculture meet the requirements of food security. This article reviewed the current situations of the application of high technologies in water saving agriculture both abroad and in China and presented the important fields, key technologies and the problems to be solved. The prospects of commercialization of high technologies applied in water saving agriculture was also evaluated.


