
    Research on Integrated Effect Deep Application of Fertilizer and Furrow-Sowing Winter Wheat on Weibei Rainfed Highland

    • 摘要: 针对深施肥或休闲期深施肥沟播技术,对冬小麦生育的影响,增产效应及产量结构等进行了研究。深施肥或休闲期深施肥沟播生态效应可改善小麦生育条件,旱地冬小麦深施肥沟播在干旱或土墒不足的条件下,可借墒播种,盐碱地采用此技术可躲盐巧种,提高出苗率,易遭冻害地区的冬小麦,可降低分蘖节在土壤中的位置,减轻因分蘖节受冻害而造成的死苗,死蘖。故在渭北旱原的旱、薄和盐碱地推广此项技术,是经济有效的增产、稳产、增收、低耗措施。


      Abstract: In the paper, the technique of deep application of fertilizer or deep application of fertilizer in leisure stage and furrow sowing were adopted on dryland winter wheat.The effect on the development of winter wheat, yield increase and yield composition, etc. were studied.The ecological effect of deep application of fertilizer or deep application of fertilizer in leisure stage and furrow sowing can improve the development conditions for winter wheat, dryland winter wheat deep application of fertilizer and furrow sowing under arid condition or unsufficient moisture of surface soil layer. It may improve the utilization of soil moisture, while in saline alkali soil the technique was used. It could increase seedling emergence rate because of avoiding the effect of alkali, in areas where cold damages often occur, it could lower the position of tillering node in soil and decrease the percentage of deed seedling and tillers caused by cold attack. Therefore, it is an economical, effective and beneficial method for stable yield increase, lower consumption on arid, infertile land and saline alkali soil in Weibei rainfed highland.


