Kinematics and Dynamics of a Wheat Seed in the Seed-Meter Device With Combined Suckers
摘要: 以研究适合大田生产的气吸式小麦单粒精密播种机为目标,改进了用于小区播种的组合吸孔式排种器的结构,采用三段圆弧构成螺旋吸槽的曲线方程,分析了种子在此曲线方程上的运动学和动力学特性,从理论上描述了组合吸孔完成吸种、清种和输种的全过程,认为组合吸孔具备清种功能的原因在于组合吸孔的运动速度、面积和形状的变化,种子在吸种区内受到的种子之间的内摩擦力是最大外力,从而确定了组合吸孔式排种器吸室临界真空度的计算方法。Abstract: A new seed meter device with combined suckers has been developed and used for wheat precision spacing plant in field. The seed meter includes a stationary disk in which there is a spiral slot consisting of three arcs. First, the equations of the spiral slot curves were given. And then, kinematics and dynamics of a wheat seed moving along the spiral slot were analyzed. The results indicated theoretically that the performance of monoseed of the seed meter was affected by the velocity, figure and size of the combined sucker. Finally, the calculating method of the critical vacuum of the seed meter was also discussed in this paper.