
    Design of Flexible Water Pool in Solar Plastic Greenhouse

    • 摘要: 甘肃省沿黄河两岸高扬程电力提水灌区发展日光温室所面临的最大问题,就是冬季电力提灌泵站停运,日光温室生产无水源保障;其次,甘肃省沿黄河两岸高扬程提水灌区均为黄土台塬坡地,由于黄土的强透水性和湿陷性,使这里修建钢筋混凝土蓄水池的造价很高。为了充分开发黄土台塬坡地日光温室的生产潜力,试验设计了一种日光温室柔性蓄水池,储水量大,防渗性能好,水面蒸发损失小,冬季能保证日光温室作物所要求的水温,而且工程造价比刚性的钢筋混凝土水池低,很适合在干旱缺水的寒冷地区以及强透水性土壤、沙漠地区贮存水源,发展冬季温室生产。


      Abstract: In the high lifting irrigation to district along two sides of Yellow River in Gansu Province, the biggest problem for developing solar plastic greenhouse is no water resources in winter production because pump stations cannot operate in cold season and the second is high cost of water pool construction for strong permeability and wet collapse property of the loess with large pore and loose structure. In order to develop solar plastic greenhouse in the region, a water pool lined with flexible materials, which was constructed in the greenhouse, was designed. The greenhouse water pool was a large of amount water stored up, such as 300 m 3 of reserved water in a water pool in 50m length by 7m width. Its characteristic was good anti permeability, and small evaporation losses. Becouse of the temperature of water to be high the water in the poool was favorable to the crops growing in winter. The building cost of water pool was low. Hence, it was very suitable for the arid and cold regions and higher permeable soils to develop solar plastic greenhouse.


