Prospects on the Technical Innovation to Increase Fertilizer Use Efficiency
摘要: 化肥利用率低以及化肥施用后损失的养分造成的环境污染,已成为全球社会、经济和农业可持续发展的主要障碍之一。提高肥料利用率已成为当今全球关注的焦点问题。拓展平衡施肥理论和技术由单一的静态横向平衡到静态横向—动态纵向平衡,进行化肥新品种研制;通过生物工程技术改良植物营养遗传性状,提高作物吸收养分能力;运用精确农业施肥理论和技术,提高施肥对土壤、作物的针对性和准确性,这些技术创新和应用是提高肥料利用率的重要途径Abstract: The low fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) and the pollution of the environment for lost nutrient has been one of the main obstacle factors of society, enconmy and agricultural sustainable development. Increasing the FUE is one of the key problems in the world. It is the important way to increase the FUE that making new fertilizers by developing the theory and technique of balanced fertilization from single static cross balance to static cross and dynamic longitudinal balance, and improving the capacity of crops use nutrient by reforming plant nutrient hereditary features, and improving the precision of fertilizer application by using the thoery and technique of precision agriculture.