Elastic & Plastic Calculation of Frame Structure of Gutter-Connected Greenhouse
摘要: 应用力学知识和工民建规范,建立了多联栋温室受风雪载时半结构计算模型,并进行了荷载组合。利用有限元法和建筑规范中的有关规定,对该温室进行了弹塑性计算,求出了温室结构的一阶二阶弹塑性应力、框架柱稳定系数和整体稳定系数。由计算出的框架的最不利位置进行了相应的结构改进。验算结果表明,改进后的温室结构合理,具有优良的力学特性Abstract: According to the mechanics theory and constructional standards, the half structure calculation model of a gutter connected greenhouse under wind load and snow load was developed. And loading combination was considered. After elastic & plastic calculation of frame structure, its one and two phase stress and stability coefficient of frame column as well as stability coefficient of frame were obtained with the finite element method and with constructional standards. Its structure was improved in terms of the danger zone of frame obtained by calculation. The result indicates that the structure of the improved greenhouse is rational, and has fine mechanical properties.