
    Review on Progress of Effects of Groundwater on Evapotranspiration in Farmland

    • 摘要: 在地下水浅埋区地下水参与和影响了SPAC系统的水分、生物、化学等过程。文中从研究方法、试验和模型3个方面论述了地下水对农田腾发过程作用研究的进展情况和发展趋势。分析认为,应把地下水层和SPAC作为一个整体系统,从野外试验入手,研究地下水浅埋条件下地下水参与SPAC系统水分过程、生物过程和化学过程的机理,为发展节水农业提供理论依据


      Abstract: In farmland with shallow groundwater, groundwater makes great effects on the hydrological, biological and chemical process in Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum. These processes, which are closely related to soil physics, hydrogeology, hydrology, agrometeorology, and plant physiology, were probed into in recent years by related scientists. This paper reviewed the development of the studies of the effects of groundwater on evapotranspiration in farmland. It concluded that groundwater aquifer should be coupled with SPAC into an integrated system, and the field experiments should be conducted to identify these processes.


