Summer Temperature Humid Fuzzy Neural Network Control in Greenhouse by Using Genetic Algorithm
摘要: 利用模糊神经网络对温室夏季温湿度控制进行了研究,同时为了克服BP算法收敛速度慢和局部极小的弱点,采用改进的遗传算法对网络的参数进行训练,从而将模糊逻辑、神经网络、遗传算法3者有机地结合起来应用于温室夏季温湿度控制中Abstract: Summer temperature humid control in greenhouse is studied by applying genetic fuzzy neural network. Meanwhile, in order to overcome two shortcomings——slow convergence and partial extreme value, improved genetic algorithm is applied to train the parameters of network. Therefore, fuzzy logic, neural network and genetic algorithm are combined organically and applied to summer temperature humid control in greenhouse.