Experimental Research on Drying Chrysanthemum by Microwave Airflow Combined Drying Technology
摘要: 对菊花的微波干燥、纯气流干燥及微波-气流组合干燥的方法、工艺、效果等分别进行了研究。经试验结果表明,采用微波-气流组合干燥技术可使干燥时间缩短到4h内,生产效益大大提高,并且干燥后的菊花品质好,等级高,市场销售价格较常规传统干燥的提高了5~10倍Abstract: The mechanism, process and effect of drying Chrysanthemum by microwave, airflow and microwave airflow were studied separately. The results showed that application of microwave airflow combined drying technology reduced the drying time less than 4 hours. The production benefit was improved greatly. The grade and quality of chrysanthemum enhanced, and its market selling price was increased by 5~10 times compared to the traditional drying chrysanthemum.