Analysis of Multi-temporal and Multi-spatial Character of NDVI and Crop Condition Models Development
摘要: 目前国内外对作物长势遥感监测研究主要集中在发展具体指标及其定量化,忽略了作物长势的时空特征。作物长势是一个时空变化的过程,同一时相的作物长势在空间地域上和同一空间地域的作物在不同时相上存在差异。因此,时空特征的提取是进行大尺度作物长势监测的基础。该文讨论多时相归一化植被指数NDVI时空特征提取并反映为相关的特征参数,并讨论了作物长势监测模型的建立Abstract: Traditional analysis of remote sensed data for crop monitoring is concentrated on isolated time index development. The method ignored the spatial and temporal character of crop condition. Because crop growth is a changing temporal and spatial process, analysis of the multi temporal and multi spatial character of remote sensed data is the basis of model development for crop modeling on a large scale. NDVI was used for this research. The NDVI database structure, parameters for the multi temporal and multi spatial characteristic analysis of NDVI for crop condition monitoring are discussed. Crop condition models based on the temporal and spatial characteristic parameters were developed for crop condition assessment in this paper.