Growth Rate and Water Consumption of Maize Plant in Soil Alternate Drying-Wetting
摘要: 在盆栽条件下研究了干湿交替对玉米生长速率、叶片水势、渗透势、气孔导度、相对生长速率和耗水量的影响。结果表明玉米在3~7叶期经历土壤水分缓慢亏缺,再进行复水的干湿交替后玉米叶片渗透调节能力明显增加,叶片生长表现出补偿效应,每次干湿交替后生长速率迅速下降的叶水势趋于下降,气孔导度对土壤水分变化非常敏感,并在干旱—复水过程中具有后效作用,蒸腾耗水量随干—湿交替而具有下降趋势,初步证明可在节水灌溉条件下人为控制不同生育时期的供水时间形成干湿交替,促进渗透调节能力增强和补偿生长来实现作物高产、高效、优质的目的Abstract: Maize growth rate, leaf water potential, osmotic potential, stomatic conductance and water consumption were studied in soil alternate drying wetting. Results showed that when maize plant was exposed in slow drying and recovering to supply water, leaf osmotic regulation capacity can be increased, leaf water potential of growth rate declined was decreased. Stomatic conductance is sensitive to soil water and has after effect in course of drying wetting. Leaf transpiration is decreased with drying wetting cycles increasing. It is concluded that the controlled irrigation time forms drying wetting cycle in such a way as to increase osmotic regulation capacity and compensation for higher yield & higher efficiency of irrigation.