
    Orthogonal Experiment on Relationship Between Wheat Yields and Technical Factors of Cavity-Making by Explosion in Farm Land

    • 摘要: 腔体密度、埋深和孔底防渗处理措施是农田爆破成腔技术的3个要素。该文在简介该技术的实施方法和进行了简单的经济分析后,以小麦产量为依据,按照正交试验的方法对各要素与产量的影响关系进行了分析,认为孔底的防渗处理方法是最重要的影响因素,从而为进一步的试验和该技术的推广应用提供了参考


      Abstract: Density of cavity, its burying depth and water proof method to cavity bottom are the three key factors of technique of cavity making by explosion in farm land. After a brief introduction of the method and economic analysis on the technique, in accordance with the theory of experimental method and taking wheat yields as target, the relationship between the three factors and wheat yield was studied in this paper. The results showed that water proof method to cavity bottom is the most important factor, the burying depth is the second, and the density of cavity is the third. This conclusion will lead to further study and technical popularization and application.


