
    Test and Analysis on Sugarcane Mechanization System

    • 摘要: 该文对广前公司引进的甘蔗生产机器系统3年来的机械化试验进行了评价及经济分析。机械化是一项复杂的系统工程,机械化系统需要合理的机具配置和高质量的现代管理,各个环节都影响整个系统的工作效率。甘蔗生产机械化系统虽然还有很多问题,但是其潜在的高工效、高经济效益是人工难以比拟的。如果建立和完善管理体系和社会化服务体系,并且能够很好地解决土地清理、机具配套、收获部署及人员培训等问题,我国实现甘蔗生产全面机械化将有广阔的前景


      Abstract: In this paper, the sugarcane mechanization experimental research conducted in Guangqian Farm for three years was evaluated and economically analyzed. Mechanization is a complicated system engineering, and the mechanization system needs rational collocation of the machinery group and modern management technology, and the delay of any tache could affect the working efficiency of whole system. To develop the sugarcane mechanization of our country in the future, socialization of farm machinery service system and strict management system should be established. Synchronously, land selection and clean, machine coordination, harvesting management and personnel training should be solved properly.


