
    Applied Study of Medium Air Filtration System in Chick House

    • 摘要: 幼畜禽对疫病的抵抗力弱,因此需要采取措施降低进气中的病原体浓度以防止交叉感染。通过分析高效过滤的优、缺点,提出使用中效过滤系统,以达到在降低投资运行费用的基础上,有效控制病原微生物传播的目的。实际生产应用试验证明,中效过滤对微生物的过滤效率可以达到90%。空气净化后,雏鸡日增重提高2.5%~25.5%,均匀度提高4%~20%,成活率从96.9%升至97.9%。而且雌鸡的受益较雄鸡更为明显


      Abstract: Chicks are more sensitive for air contaminates than the adult, even the low level pollution can make adverse effect on them. A positive pressure ventilation system with medium filters was installed in a full size chicky to remove the air contaminates. The results showed that the filter can remove 75% of total suspending particle(TSP), 30% of PM10 and 90% of microbes suspending in the inlet air respectively. Compared with the standard growth index, the weight gain increased from 2.5% to 25.5%, and mortality of chicks raised in filtered air reduced by 1% compared with the past average production level. In addition, it seems that the females benefit more than males from the same filtration system, which will be validated in the future by further experiment.


