Sampling and Scaling Scheme for Monitoring the Change of Winter Wheat Acreage in China
摘要: 该文提出了一种可以用于业务化运行的全国冬小麦面积变化遥感监测方法。根据我国冬小麦生产的特点,采用分层抽样方法,以全国冬小麦种植面积以往的统计数据为分层指标,将全国1411个冬小麦生产县划分为6层,建立全国冬小麦面积变化遥感监测抽样外推模型;然后,以TM影像覆盖来近似随机地从各层抽取所需数量的冬小麦生产县,采用人工判读的方法解译冬小麦的变化,并以县为单位统计;最后利用外推模型得出全国冬小麦面积的变化。通过1999、2000年连续2年的运行试验,得到了满意的结果Abstract: Winter wheat is the staple summer grain in China. The accurate estimation of its acreage and production is important. Neither the traditional investigation method nor the full coverage remote sensing using TM images is applicable because of the expenditure. A sampling and scaling scheme, which is economically feasible and scientifically sound, was proposed here. Firstly, all of the 1411 winter wheat growing counties in China were stratified into 6 strata according to their statistical winter wheat acreage in the past decade. Then about 20 TM scenes were used for sampling. The winter wheat acreage change between two years was drawn with TM interpretation. The change for each sampled county was calculated. A scaling model is used to draw the acreage change of overall winter wheat for the whole country.