
    Keeping Well-Known Local Speciality “Cangxi” Pear in Storage and Fresh

    • 摘要: 采前无纺布浸钙套果、适时采果;采后生化覆膜、果柄涂蜡,加上低温贮藏技术或半地下式通风窖贮藏技术,使贮藏性能较差的名特产水果苍溪雪梨能够在低温条件下贮藏8~10个月,在自然条件下贮藏3~5个月,腐烂率和失水率<10%,贮藏后的雪梨在外观、品质(固形物含量、总糖、总酸、硬度等)和口感上与采时无显著差异。


      Abstract: According to the characteristics of “Cangxi” pear, which has poor character of storage, a series of steps were taken to keep its fruit fresh for a long time. The steps include covering fruit with non-texture cloth dipped in Calcium solution, harvesting timely, covering fruit with biochemical film after harvest, waxing harvested fruit handles, keeping fruit in storage under low temperature and storing fruit in uncompletely underground ventilation pits. These steps can make the fruit keep in storage for 8~10 months under low temperature, 3~5 months under common temperature, and decay rate and water-losig rate are less than 10%, and there is insignificant variance of appearance, quality and flavor of the stored fruit in comparison with harvested fresh fruit.


