Based on systematic analysis of the farmland irrigation and water conservancy resource in Yulin Prefecture, it is revealed that developed area of irrigated land is mainly located in Northern six counties of Yulin. Where irrigated land can be developed to 150 000 hm
2,yield can be increased to 6 000 kg/hm
2 and 600 million kg grain can be produced from 100 000 hm
2 of farmlands.By means of construction of 150 000 water cellars in South,150 000 hm
2 of terrace lands can be additional watered. So that 375 million kg grain can be produced in 100 000 hm
2 of terrace farm.This is very important to ecological environmental construction for the area and promotion of westpart development.In order to protectivly and efficently utilize the water resources, some more irrigation works must be constructed,evaluation and supervisory systems of water resources must be organized.