
    Determining of Some Technical Parameters of Water Saving Irrigation for the Standard

    • 摘要: 围绕节水灌溉技术参数的合理选择,从我国水资源状况、农业用水需求、灌溉水平、节水灌溉面临的形势与任务等角度简述了该项研究的必要性,分析了国内外农田灌溉用水标准方面的现状,介绍了节水灌溉技术参数合理选择研究的主要内容,对节水灌溉节水增产指标、渠道防渗率指标、畦田规格等若干重要指标的取值作了详细说明。


      Abstract: Around the main steps of the research process on adopting of technical parameter for water saving irrigation. It's essential of adopting standard for water saving irrigation on such actions: the situation of water resources of China, water requirement of agriculture, the level of water using in irrigation and the situation and task of water saving irrigation, etc. Introducing the main context of the study on suitable technical parameter for water saving irrigation, and more detail of some main indexes, such as the index of water saving and increasing yield, the ratio of canal seepage and standard for board irrigation.


