3D Measurement Technology Based on Computer Vision
摘要: 该文根据计算机视觉原理,提出一种三维非接触测量技术。该技术根据人眼感知事物的原理,利用神经网络拟合图像坐标与空间坐标的映射关系;以光栅投影曲线为特征,采用小波边缘检测和搜索式无监督聚类,结合视觉几何不变性,实现亚像素级的立体精匹配;并采用小波多尺度多分辨率的特性,拼接图像,融合数据,对物体进行全方位测量。实验表明,该技术设备简单,测量速度快,测量精度控制在0.5mm/m以内Abstract: On the basis of computer vision, a noncontact 3D measurement technology was proposed in this paper. Using neural network, the mapping relation between image point and special point was established. The projection of grating on object is regarded as matching features, with wavelet edge detection, searching non supervisor clustering and geometric invariance. Stereo precision matching is achieved at subpixel level. Furthermore, the multi scale and multi resolution attributes of wavelet are applied to image mosaic and data integration, so a large scale object can be measured. Experiments show that the technology has many advantages, such as simple equipment, fast speed and low cost, and that the measuring error is less than 0.5 mm/m.