
    Key Technology of Ecological Industry for Straw

    • 摘要: 目前秸秆生态工业的建设已形成了以秸秆汽爆为前提、压力脉动固态发酵作为主题技术路线的秸秆生物量全利用新的技术体系。压力脉动固态发酵新技术使生物技术在原料、技术、环保三方面都具有重大的技术突破,实现了严格意义上的纯种培养和规模性工业化生产。基于秸秆与木材在化学组成和结构差异,开发出了秸秆不加任何化学药品低压爆破清洁制浆、大麻清洁脱胶、秸秆制备腐植酸和活性低聚木糖等新一系列创新方法。


      Abstract: Ecological industry for straw pushes ecological agriculture to senior development stage. Steam explosion and pressure pulsate solid state fermentation are the key technology of ecological industry for straw. Pure culture and large scale production of solid state fermentation were come true using pressure pulsate solid state fermented technology. Some methods were developed with steam explosion no-adding any chemicals.


