
    Theoretical Analysis on the Contributing Ratio of Agricultural Mechanization to Rural Economy

    • 摘要: 机械化对农业产出增长的贡献不仅包含农业机械投入量增减对产出的影响,而且应包括农业机械生产率提高的作用,贡献率大小可用农业机械产出弹性在规模弹性中的比值衡量;机械化对农业劳动生产率增长的贡献大小决定于它对农业产出增长的贡献大小和对农业劳动力的替代作用;农业机械化在某一时期对农村经济的贡献与由它产生的劳动生产率增长率成正比,与非农产业产值占农村社会总产值的比重成正比,与初期从事农业的劳动力数量成正比。


      Abstract: Agricultural mechanization makes contribution to agricultural production, which brings about the production increment resulting from increasing invented farm machinery and from raising the productivity of farm machinery. The contributing ratio can be measured with the proportion of the coefficient of machinery output elasticity in the sum of those of all factors' output elasticities. The quantity of farm machinery's contribution to raising labor productivity is decided by the quantity of its contribution to the production increment and of its substitution for labor force. And that to rural economy is in direct proportion to the growth rate of labor productivity resulted from farm machinery, the ratio of nonagricultural output value to rural GDP, the number of labors engaging in agriculture.


