
    Improvement of the Ventilated Storage House of Citrus and Its Effectiveness Analysis

    • 摘要: 按柑桔不同贮期的需求对自然通风库的设施进行了改良。Ⅰ型改良库通风设施完善,能较充分利用自然冷源,适于柑桔的中短期贮藏。Ⅱ型改良库增加制冷增湿设备,可使库温保持在10~12℃,RH维持在80%以上,柑桔贮期长达180 d以上仍新鲜饱满,品质好,总损耗仅9.42%,每贮藏10 000 kg果实可增收7 000余元,而且该设备节能,成本低,易管理,应用面广,产地和经营单位均可采用。


      Abstract: The equipment of natural ventilation storage house was improved in order to satisfy the different storage periods of citrus in this paper, and it resulted into the production of two kinds of improved storage house as follows: type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ. The type Ⅰ with relatively perfect ventilation equipment can make good use of natural resources, which is more adaptable for short storage of citrus; But stored in type Ⅱ, citrus maintain such excellent properties as high quality, freshness, and satiation for about 180 days, a relative long storage period, for some equipment useful for refrigeration and increasing moisture was installed that can maintain the temperature of 10~12℃ and the RH(relative humidity) up to 80% in the storage house. According to the experiment, in this condition, the whole consumption rate was only 9.24%, which means that more than 7 000 RMB yuan can be obtained by storing 10 000 kg citrus fruits. Besides, the type Ⅱ improved natural ventilation storage house is of some other advantages such as energysaving, low cost and easy management, which made it possible to be widely used by farmers and sale departments.


