
    Effect of Drying Methods on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Chestnut Flour

    • 摘要: 以毛板红板栗品种为原料,研究了4种不同干燥方法加工所得栗粉的理化与功能特性,结果表明自然干燥与热风干燥加工成的栗粉在理化和功能特性上差异较小,但自然干燥粉比热风干燥粉具有更好的起泡能力和泡沫稳定性;微波干燥粉比热风干燥有较多的淀粉发生糊化,表现在具有较低的峰粘度、崩解值和回复值,其吸水能力较热风干燥粉大,但起泡能力、泡沫稳定性和复水成泥后的一些质地特征值较热风干燥粉低。高温蒸后热风干燥粉的理化与功能特性与微波干燥粉类似,但有较高的崩解值和较低的回复值。从色泽来看,自然干燥和热风干燥粉比微波干燥和高温蒸后热风干燥的要白,而且有光泽。


      Abstract: Effects of 4 drying methods (sun-drying; hot air drying; microwave drying; vapor treatmentd and then hot air drying)on the physicochemical and functional properties of chestnut flour were investigated. The results indicated that: the sun-dried flour had similar physicochemical and functional properties with the air-dried flours. But sun-dried flour had better foaming capacity and foaming stability. Compared with air-dried flour, more starches of microwave-dried flour were gelatinized. So microwave-dried flour had lower peak viscosity, breakdown value, consistency value, but had higher water-holding capacity. In other functional properties, microwave-dried flour had lower foaming capacity, foam stability. Some parameters of textural profile were also lower than that of air-dried flour. The flour dried by vapor treatment and then hot air drying had similar property. In aspect of color, sun-dried flour and air-dried flour were lighter and whiter than that of microwave-dried flour and vapor treatment then hot air dried flour.


