
    Research and Application of Automatic Control System of Groundwater Limited Exploration in Well Irrigation Areas

    • 摘要: 地下水超采造成了一系列的环境问题,地下水限量开采是井灌区急需解决的重要问题之一。利用计算机技术、遥控遥测技术和通讯技术开发研制的井灌区地下水限量开采自动控制系统在有效控制地下水开采的同时,结合数学模型,可提高灌区管理水平,为井灌区灌溉管理的信息化奠定了基础。应用试验结果表明,系统在实现地下水限量开采的同时,提高了水资源的利用率,促进了灌区节水工作的开展。


      Abstract: The exploration of groundwater has caused a series of problem to environment. It is an important problem to be solved urgently to limit groundwater exploration. The automatic control system of groundwater limited exploration in, well irrigation areas, developed with the technology of computer, technology of communication and technology of remote measure and remote control can control the level of groundwater efficiently as well as improve the management of irrigation areas. Application experiment indicates that the system can not only limit the water exploration but also promote the development of saving water irrigation.


