Shanxi Shouyang Experiment Area was situated in typically semi-damp and drought areas of North China. A seven-year plot experiments were conducted in that area to study the effect of combining autumn fertilizing with returning stalks to field on corn yield and water use efficiency. The results show that it is an effective technique to moisture soil conserve, especially top soil moisture. Compared with spring fertilizing, top soil moisture was increased by 1.09%~3.04%, WUE was increased by 0.26%~0.29%, nitrogen and phosphate use efficiency were raised respectively 3.9%~13.9% and 3.0%~9.1%. By 5-year yield statistic, the results showed that autumn fertilizing increased 2.56~3.88 t/hm
2 in yield, compared with spring fertilizing. The range of increased in yield was 8.01%~13.4%.