
    Application of Information Techniques to Dairy Cow Production:Precise Feeding Dairy Cow Production

    • 摘要: 介绍了我国奶牛业的现状及加入WTO后面临的形势。在全面分析和比较各种饲养方式的基础上,肯定了用信息技术改造传统奶牛饲养方式的必要性、可行性,指出精确饲养奶牛业是今后奶牛饲养的主要方向。将现代信息技术全面应用于奶牛生产,可最大限度地发挥奶牛的遗传潜能,取得最佳的经济效益和社会效益。


      Abstract: Current situation and problems after entering WTO in the field of dairy cow production of China are introduced. Based on analysis and comparison of main feeding models, the necessity and feasibility of using information techniques for improving traditional feeding approaches of dairy cow are demonstrated. And that precise feeding of dairy cow will be major way in the future in China is pointed out. Applying information techniques to dairy cow production can make full use of genetic potential of dairy cow, and obtain the best social and economic benefits.


