
    Relationship Between Economics of Scale of Livestock & Poultry Breeding and Quality of Livestock & Poultry Products

    • 摘要: 从畜禽产业的经营方式的变化出发,引出畜禽养殖产业化经营中的规模经济。介绍了规模经济与适度规模的判定标准,用经济学方法从理论上分析了畜禽养殖产业中适度规模与最优品质的一致性,并揭示出现实中规模经济与产品品质的矛盾。最后提出了通过转变观念、健全市场机制、建立信息网络、完善相关法律法规、发展绿色畜禽业等解决规模经济与产品品质矛盾的对策。


      Abstract: From the variation of operating ways of livestock & poultry industry, the economics of scale in the operation of this industry is introduced. Definitions of economics of scale and optimal scale are presented. Analysis by economics theory shows that optimal scale is consistent with high quality of products. But in practice the former contradicts the latter. Last, the methods to solve this contradiction are put forward.


