
    Strategies of Developing Animal Husbandry on Engineering Technology in Jilin Province

    • 摘要: 在分析了国内外畜牧业工程技术发展的基础上,提出吉林省畜牧业的发展将出现农户小规模饲养和企业大规模饲养并存的局面。农户小规模饲养以传统人工饲养为基础,其技术取向是“传统人工饲养+优良品种+配合饲料+简易生物环境工程”。企业大规模饲养要以“优种优料+机械技术+生物环境工程”为技术取向。对传统畜牧业要改善畜禽环境,并加强环境保护和资源的二次利用;大型畜牧企业要实现饮水、喂料、清粪自动化,畜禽棚舍环境要实现人为控制。战略重点是引进或开发简易清粪机械和粪肥处理设备,并在中小饲养场中进行推广;大型饲养场要引进机械化生


      Abstract: Animal husbandry in Jilin province is developing in the way of household small scale breeding and enterprise large scale breeding. The former is on the basis of traditional manpower. Its technology is oriented “traditional manpower breeding+choosing breed+assorted foodstuff+facilities of environmental engineering”. The latter's technology is oriented “selected breed+assorted foodstuff+machinery+bio-environmental engineering”. For the traditional animal husbandry, it is necessary to improve animal's living condition and strengthen the protection of environment and the reusing of resources. For the large enterprises, they should be aimed at the automaton of animal's drinking, feeding, and dung clearing. The living environment can be controlled automatically. The strategic emphasis will be put on the exploitation of simple machines for dung clearing and disposal and its extension to medium and small farm. Moreover, mechanization and environment control facility should be introduced to large enterprises.


