
    Review of Techniques for Measuring Methane Emissions From Enteric Fermentation

    • 摘要: 准确测定动物甲烷排放量,是全球甲烷排放研究与对策制定的前提和基础。目前国内外动物甲烷测定的方法包括封闭测试法、微气候学方法、间接测试法和示踪法。该文主要介绍上述测定方法的原理、特点和适用范围。


      Abstract: Accurate measurement is the basic for global methane emission study and making strategies development. This paper introduces some measurement techniques used to obtain methane emissions from enteric fermentation, which including enclosure techniques, micrometeorological techniques, indirect methods and tracer methods, and mainly describes the principles, characteristics and applying conditions of them.


