钱永清, 闻人楚, 蒋群, 邹勇, 唐永兰, 苏万国, 钱才根, 顾明强. 我国南方地区蛋鸡场环境控制研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2001, 17(7): 88-90.
    引用本文: 钱永清, 闻人楚, 蒋群, 邹勇, 唐永兰, 苏万国, 钱才根, 顾明强. 我国南方地区蛋鸡场环境控制研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2001, 17(7): 88-90.
    Qian Yongqing, Wen Renchu, Jiang Qun, Zou Yong, Tang Yonglan, Su Wanguo, Qian Caigen, Gu Mingqiang. Control Over Environment of Southern Layer Hen Farm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2001, 17(7): 88-90.
    Citation: Qian Yongqing, Wen Renchu, Jiang Qun, Zou Yong, Tang Yonglan, Su Wanguo, Qian Caigen, Gu Mingqiang. Control Over Environment of Southern Layer Hen Farm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2001, 17(7): 88-90.


    Control Over Environment of Southern Layer Hen Farm

    • 摘要: 主要通过对蛋鸡舍改造和鸡粪污水无害化处理控制鸡场环境。蛋鸡舍安装自行研制的风机和喷头进行纵向通风和喷雾,在夏季高温季节可使蛋鸡舍内温度下降3~5℃;鸡粪通过发酵烘干成为商品肥料,污水通过处理达标排放,有良好的社会和经济效益。


      Abstract: In this study, the environment of the layer hen farm is controlled by the rebuilding hencoop and the harmlessly disposing of chicken wastes. Installing ventilator and nozzle in layer hencoop and effectuating longitudinal ventilation and spray will lead to a fall of 3~5℃ in indoor temperature during the summer high-temperature season. Making chicken wastes into commercial fertilizer through fermenting and desiccation and discharging sewage after disposing and qualifying will produce good social and economic effects.


