
    Test of Influence of Noise Pollution on Production Performance of Stock Fowl

    • 摘要: 该文测定了宣州龙威公司两栋鸡舍噪音强度和产蛋率、受精率等指标。A栋鸡舍靠近公路15 m,与饲料车间只隔一墙,白天声压级在85 dB以上,噪声污染十分严重;B栋鸡舍环境良好,白天声压级在63 dB左右。试验结果表明:B栋鸡舍产蛋率比A栋鸡舍提高13.6%,破蛋率降低3.73%,受精率提高1.3%,差异显著(P<0.05)。


      Abstract: The test conducted with two chicken houses of Longwei Poultry Breeding Company. One chicken house was serious polluted by transport on road and by the machines in the feed workshop next to the house. The sound level was about 85 decibel in the day. The other chicken house had a good surround-ing for the sound level was about 63 decibel. Compared with former chicken house, laying ratio in later one increased by 13.6%,broken egg ratio decreased by 3.73% and spermatigation ratio increased by 1.3%.


