
    Evaluation of the Microclimate of Pig Houses in Shandong Province

    • 摘要: 该文对山东省主要类型猪舍在春、夏、冬季节环境下的使用效果进行了研究,测定了舍内外温度、湿度、气流速度、光照度、舍内空气中氨气浓度及大气落菌数等指标,以便为合理的猪舍设计和环境控制提供科学依据。结果表明半开放式猪舍冬季在运动场部分用塑料薄膜覆盖,可以显著提高舍内温度(P<0.01)(2.1℃),但其温度状况仍较封闭式猪舍差(P<0.01),且湿度偏高;在夏季半开放式猪舍内气流速度较低,舍内温度仍显著高于舍外(P<0.01)。对于封闭式有窗猪舍,有吊顶及密封效果较好的猪舍冬季的保温效果较好。夏季猪舍内气温高于


      Abstract: In order to evaluate the effect of different types of pig houses in different seasons in Shandong Province, the present study was conducted to investigate the microclimate of pig house in spring, summer and winter. The air temperature, relative humidity, air speed, light intensity, ammonia concentration and quantity of bacteria in air were measured. The results showed the air temperature in semi-open pig house could be increased significantly (P<0.01) (5.3℃ vs 2.2℃) when it was covered with plastic film in winter, but the air temperature was still lower than that in closing pig houses (P<0.01). In summer, the air speed in semi-open pig houses was lower than outside, but the air temperature was adverse (P<0.01). The closed pig houses with a ceiling had better ability of heat insulation, a higher air temperature in winter and lower temperature in summer than those in the house without ceilings. The air speed in closing or semi-open pig houses was both low in all the seasons (usually less than 0.26 m/s), and the light intensity in the pig houses was uneven. The quantity of bacteria in air and ammonia concentration in pig houses did not showed a coinciding rule. The higher concentration of ammonia was observed in winter and spring. However, higher quantity of bacteria in air was observed in summer.


