
    Assessment of Nutrients Uptake of Ulva.P.K. Under Synthetic Environmental Conditions

    • 摘要: 利用水生植物净化养殖水体可达到废弃物综合利用和收获植物饵料的综合效果。该文通过综合因子试验研究,探讨了水温、光照和水体pH值3因素协同作用下,对孔石莼吸收氨氮和硝酸盐的影响规律,并建立了相应的数学模型。研究结果表明,水温、光照和水体pH值对孔石莼吸收氨氮和硝酸盐有不同程度的影响,而且3因素之间有明显的交互作用,水温和水体pH值的适当调控对孔石莼的净水作用是很重要的。


      Abstract: Seaweed used as water purification media can remove excess nutrients from aquacultural system and provide an extra commercial crop. The uptake patterns of Ulva.P.K. to NH+4 and NO-3 were studied under synthetic environmental conditions. Results showed that the influences of water temperature, pH value and light intensity on the uptake rate of Ulva.P.K. were different, and the three factors were also interrelated each other to removing of NH+4 and NO-3. Control of water temperature and pH value would be important for nutrients removing by Ulva.P.K. in aquacultural system.


