
    Present Situation and Development Strategy of Forage Grass Harvest and Storage and Equipment in Shihezi Reclamation Area

    • 摘要: 草地及饲料是发展畜牧业的物质基础,石河子垦区是新疆生产建设兵团的主要农牧业生产基地,全垦区饲草资源丰富,具有发展畜牧业的优势条件。本文对垦区饲草资源及储量,饲草收贮设备现状进行了分析。针对存在的问题,结合垦区特点和优势,对如何合理利用饲草资源进行了探讨,并指出了饲草收获机械和加工处理设备的发展对策。


      Abstract: Grassland and feed are matter base to develop stockbreeding. Shihezi reclamation area is main farm belt of XPCC(Xinjiang Produce Construction Corps).The reclamation area is abundant in feed resources and has the predominance to develop stockbreeding. Present situation of the reclamation area's feed resources and storage and equipment is analyzed. Aiming at existent problems, combing characteristics and predominance of the reclamation area, how to use feed resources reasonably is discussed. The development strategy of forage grass harvesting, storing and processing equipment is put forward.


