
    Experimental Study on Animal Wastewater Treatment Technologyby Using Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) and Its Application

    • 摘要: 采用SBR法处理经化粪池厌氧消化后的牧场污水,试验考察了曝气时间、运行模式、活性污泥负荷、充水比和温度与处理效果的关系,并根据试验研究结果,建立了相应的示范工程。结果表明,在环境温度15℃以上时,各类污染物去除效率达90%以上,而在低温时需增加适当的后处理才能达到上海市环保局规定的排放标准。


      Abstract: Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) system was tested in the laboratory for treating animal wastewater pretreated with septic tank. Through studying the relationship between the treatment effects and the aeration time, operating mode, load of active sludge, ratio of filled water and ambient temperature, the optimal operating conditions for SBR process were determined and applied to the pilot animal wastewater treatment system on a dairy farm. The results showed that the removal efficiencies of pollutants can be more than 90% when the ambient temperature is over 15℃, and the effluent can also satisfy the local discharge standards with post-treatment if the temperature is too low.


