
    Design and Operation of Piggery Wastewater Treatment Project on Hangzhou Dengta Pig Farm

    • 摘要: 采用厌氧—好氧(UASB—SBR)法处理技术对杭州灯塔养殖总场的高浓度猪粪污水进行处理,COD总去除率达98%,NH3-N去除率达99%以上,出水COD浓度不大于150 mg/L ,NH3-N浓度不大于15 mg/L,出水水质达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)的二级排放标准。


      Abstract: The piggery wastewater with higher concentration of pollutants was treated by the process of UASB+SBR in Hangzhou Dengta Pig Farm. In the project, the COD and NH3-N removal rates reached to 98% and 99% respectively. The final outflow with a COD and NH3-N less than 150 mg/L and 15 mg/L met the two-class requirement of national integrative discharging standard.


