
    Process Control of Aerated Static Composting of Swine Manure

    • 摘要: 3种配比的通风静态堆肥试验表明:在适宜的C/N、水分、通风条件下,不同辅料和配比的堆体均能够达到设定温度55℃,并维持一定的高温期,堆肥产品的卫生学指标达到国家粪便无害化标准。通风是静态好氧堆肥的关键因素,不同原料的升温速率明显不同, 通气性能好的锯末和秸秆混合配料可在3~4 d达到设定温度,升温速率明显优于单独使用锯末配料,堆肥过程的高温和水分蒸发可明显降低堆体的含水率,堆肥后堆体体积比堆肥前减少1/2~1/3。


      Abstract: Waste from animal husbandry is an increasing prominent environmental quality issue. This paper summarizes experimental results on the effects of various bulking agents on the efficiency of composting swine manure. The manure was composted mixed with corn straw and/or sawdust. The results indicated that all composting masses could reach the settled thermophilic temperature 55℃ and meet requirement of national standard of manure harmless. Aerated rate was an important influence factor of compost efficiency. Because of the large free space and high oxygen concentration, it takes 3~4 days to reach the set temperature for the mixture compost masses of manure with corn straw. However, it takes 12~17 days to reach the set temperature for the mixture compost masses of manure with sawdust. The volumes of the compost mixture reduced 1/2~1/3 after composting.


