
    Study on Treatment of Piggery Wastewater With Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket(UASB) and Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR)

    • 摘要: 针对猪场废水有机物、氮、磷含量高的特征,应用上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)和序批处理反应器(SBR)相结合废水处理工艺,研究了不同水力负荷条件下对COD、BOD、氨氮去除率的影响。研究结果表明,在COD 2~8 kg/(m3·d)条件下,COD的去除率在60%~73%之间,效果较稳定;SBR在去除氨氮中效果十分明显,去除率达80%~95%。


      Abstract: According to the piggery wastewater characteristerics, the UASB and SBR system were introduced into the experiment in order to improve the wastewater treatment efficiency. In the UASB experiments, the removal of COD, BOD, and NH+4-N was studied in three scales of VLR (Volume Loading Rate), COD 2, 5, and 8 kg/(m3·d). The results indicated that the removal rates of COD were 50%~70% in the UASB reactor, and the running of UASB reactor was stable. In the SBR's experiment, the removal effect of NH+4-N was very obvious, when the effluent of UASB was introduced into the SBR equipment. The removal rate of NH+4-N was 80%~95%.


