
    Study on the Condition of Swine Manure Composting

    • 摘要: 本试验研究了在不同的调理剂、通气方式、碳氮比和添加剂等条件下猪粪堆肥的腐熟进程。结果表明:稻草比稻壳更有利于猪粪的堆肥腐熟;机械通风同人工翻堆相比,各项指标无显著差异(P<0.05),而堆制结束后物理性状要比人工翻堆试验组差;高C/N有利于堆肥的升温及腐殖化过程,对堆肥进程无影响,但稻草加入量大会增加堆肥的成本;除臭剂及菌剂的加入对堆肥的大多数化学性状影响不大,但可明显改善堆肥腐熟后的物理性状并减少臭味。除稻壳试验组外,其它各组在第五周即可达到腐熟的要求。


      Abstract: The effects of various bulking agents, C/N ratio, aeration forms and additions were examined on the efficiency of the swine manure composting in this experiment. The results were as follows: the finished composts made from the sawdust had better quality than that made from the rice hull; second, the changes of chemical characteristics had no significant differences between mechanical ventilation and artificial turning. But the physical characteristics of the composts with mechanical ventilation were inferior to that with artificial turning; Third, the high C/N ratio of the materials was beneficial to temperature rising and humus-formation, but adding more sawdust will increase the composting cost; Adding the deodorant addition or microbial formulation does not improve most of the chemical characteristics obviously, but they could improve the compost's physical characteristics and diminish the odor. All treatments could reach their maturation in five weeks except the treatment of adding rice hull.


