Numerical Simulation for Collision on Safe Cab of Farm-Foresty Vehicles
摘要: 农林用车辆安全驾驶室碰撞系统具有几何非线性和材料非线性等多重非线性特点,应用大变形弹塑性理论,建立驾驶安全系统数学模型,对安全驾驶室强度特性进行分析,预估车辆翻车时驾驶室结构件的力—变形,预测变形侵入驾驶员容身空间的安全性,并进行变形的屈服评判,实现车辆安全驾驶室结构碰撞的数值模拟。文中以某农林车辆安全驾驶室碰撞的数值模拟为例,理论计算和试验结果吻合,方法切实可行,为车辆驾驶室安全设计提供依据。Abstract: The model of collision on safe cab of farm foresty vehicles has multi nonlinear features on geometry and material. The large scale deformation elastic and plastic and plastic theories are applied by setting up the mathematical model for cab, the strength feature of it is analysed. The relation of force and deformation when vehicle rolled is predicted. The safety of driver's space ingressed by deformation of components of the cab is estimated, and the deformation failure is assessed. The numerical simulation for collision on safe cab of vehicle is realized. Based on a type of farm foresty vehicle, simulations based on theory and experiment are conducted. Both results are basically coincident. This simulation model is practical and feasible, which can provide reference for safety design of vehicle cab.