
    Lateral Layout of Drip Irrigation Under Plastic Mulch for Cotton

    • 摘要: 根据2000年5~8月在新疆石河子121团土壤改良实验站进行了大田棉花膜下滴灌毛管布置形式的试验研究,毛管间距110cm基本能满足外行棉花对水分的需求。通过对3种不同毛管间距条件下棉花株高、叶面积、根长、产量和品质的比较,毛管间距110cm,一条毛管灌溉4行棉花的布置方式较好。它比常规布置方式可节省毛管用量1/3左右,可以大幅度降低膜下滴灌系统的投资


      Abstract: The field experiments were conducted at the Experimental Station of Soil Amelioration, Shihezi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from May to August in 2000. It showed that the lateral distance of 110 cm could meet the water demand of cotton growth. Through the comparison of plant height, leaf area, root length, cotton yield and quality for 3 different lateral distances, the lateral distance of 110 cm, i.e., one lateral controls 4 rows of cotton, is better than other 140cm and traditional distance (average 70 cm), which can save one third of lateral and reduce the investment of system to a large extent.


