
    Rheological Law of the Crop Stem Fibrous Material During Compression Process

    • 摘要: 对松散农业物料的开发,一般需要对其进行压缩处理。研究压缩过程的规律,探索压缩过程基本参量及其间的规律和压缩过程中压缩物料的性质,以便确定压缩设备的结构参数和优化设计压捆机。在本学科组研究的基础上,以实际生产机械为试验设备,采用先进的测试手段,模拟了生产条件下整个压缩过程并进行了试验研究,得出了生产全过程中有关压力、变形的规律。为压缩试验深入的研究和压捆机的优化设计提供了依据


      Abstract: The exploition of the loose crop material needs compression process. To determine the structural parameters and optimize the design of compression equipment, the law of compression process, the relationship among main parameters in the whole compression process and the characteristerics of the material to be compressed are investigated. Based on the achievement acquired by our research group, a basic law of the stress and strain variation pattern was obtained by use of advanced measuring means, which provided a theoretical basis for the further study and optimum design of compression equipment.


