
    Measuring Area of Leaves Based on Computer Vision Technology by Reference Object

    • 摘要: 该研究利用计算机视觉技术采用参考物法测量叶片的面积,研制了无需采摘叶片测量其面积的活体采样光箱,并进行了光箱参数的优化,研究了用极值法求得阈值,并对图像进行阈值化,研究了去除图像中残留杂点的方法,最后验证利用计算机视觉技术参考物法测量叶片面积的可行性,且测量精度和效率都很高


      Abstract: A method of measuring area of leaves by reference object based on computer vision technology was studied. The sampling box of live leaves was developed, and its data were optimized. The measurement process was studied. The reference object was segmented from the original image by the method of threshold. The data of threshold was gained by means of derivation. The way of removing the noises in the image was studied. Generally, the results show that this method has better feasibility, higher precision and higher efficiency.


