
    Research Advances of Gradation and Evaluation of Agricultural Land in China

    • 摘要: 回顾中国近期农用地评价研究的发展状况,分析并比较了新编国家农用地分等定级规程和耕地地力等级规程中提出的方法体系、思想基础和实践意义。农用地分等定级评价已经从查田定产、土壤性质、基础地力等单纯对土地自然状态的研究,发展到人地一体的资源价值管理评价。中国现行农地评价方法有农业部的耕地地力等级划分体系和国土资源部的农用土地分等定级评价体系。两大体系在评价指标的解析性、成果应用的目标层次和操作实施的前后衔接上存在着区别。目前,农用土地分等定级评价已在全国开展,其方法体系的不断完善具有更重要的实际应用意义


      Abstract: The research development of recent agricultural land evaluation in China was reviewed. The two method systems, ideological bases and practical significance raised respectively in newly formulated National Rules of Classification and Gradation of Agricultural Land and Rules of Soil Fertility Gradation of Cultivated Land were analyzed and compared. The classification and gradation evaluation of agricultural land developed from such low level researches on natural soil condition investigation for estimating yield, soil nature and basic soil fertility, etc. to management and evaluation of resource value integrated with land and human being. The existing two evaluation methods of agricultural land in China are the gradation system of soil fertility of cultivated land formulated by Minstry of Agriculture and the classification and gradation evaluation system of agriculturall and drafted by Ministry of Land and Resources. There exist differences between the two systems in analyses of evaluation indexes, objective levels of achievement application and links of front and back operation. Currently, the classification and gradation evaluation of agricultural land have been implemented across China, whose method system perfection is of great practical significance.


