
    Relationship Between Increasing Grain Output and Utilization Patential of Agricultural Water Resources in Severe-arid Northwestern Ecological Zones

    • 摘要: 在西北生态区农业水资源利用现状的基础上,利用AEZ法,从理论上分析了该区种植业不同水资源有效利用率下水资源的利用潜力及相应的粮食增长潜力。结果表明:整个西北区目前存在水资源有效利用率低,水资源短缺与浪费并重的状况。水分的限制成为发挥该区光温潜力,提高土地生产力的瓶颈。将水分有效利用率从目前水平再提高10%~20%,土地的生产潜力将有一个非常显著的突破


      Abstract: Based on the study of status quo of agricultural water resources utilization in Northwestern Ecological Zones, this paper analyzed the water utilization potential and increasing production potential at the theoretical level by the method of AEZ. The results are: the whole Northwestern Ecological Zone is suffered from the shortage of water resources; Its current water use efficiency is low and the waste is as serious as shortage; Water is key to exert the biomass and maximum potential yield of crops. If the water use efficiency rises up 10%~20%, the land production potential will be surmounted greatly.


